Catalog peptides
Synthesis of unnatural amino acids and other blocks

HA 12CA5 Epitope

HA 12CA5 Epitope
Molecular structural formula
CAS Number
Influenza Virus
Sequence Shortening
Solubility in water
33.33 mg/mL
[1]. Zhao X, et al. Several affinity tags commonly used in chromatographic purification. J Anal Methods Chem. 2013;2013:581093. [2]. Moon JM, et al. A new idea for simple and rapid monitoring of gene expression: requirement of nucleotide sequences encoding an N-terminal HA tag in the T7 promoter-driven expression in E. coli. Biotechnol Lett. 2012 Oct;34(10):1841-6. [3]. Schembri L, et al. The HA tag is cleaved and loses immunoreactivity during apoptosis. Nat Methods. 2007 Feb;4(2):107-8. [Content Brief]
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HA is derived from influenza virus, erythrocyte lectin surface epitope has little effect on the spatial structure of the target protein.

HA Peptide (HA tag) is a nine amino acids peptide derived from the human influenza hemagglutinin (HA). HA Peptide is extensively used to isolate, purify, detect, and track the protein of interest in cell biology and biochemistry.

The HA-tagged complex consists of plasmid DNA, transferrin-polylysine, and influenza virus hemagglutinin HA-2 subunit N-terminal sequence-derived polylysine-conjugated peptides for the transfer of luciferase or β-galactosidase-tagged genes into K562 cells, HeLa cells, and BNL CL.2 hepatocytes. The presence of HA-conjugated polypeptides in the DNA complex allows the complex to disrupt membrane structures, allowing transferrin-polylysine-mediated gene transfer into cells.

In influenza viruses, the hemagglutinin (HA) protein mediates the binding of the virus to the cell surface and the subsequent fusion of the virus to the cell membrane. HA consists of the receptor-binding subunit HA1 and the membrane-fusion subunit HA2. The presence of the HA1yHA2 complex on the surface of the virus is inactive, and membrane fusion is regulated by the conformational state of the HA protein. When endosomes are in an acidic environment, HA proteins switch from their native conformation (non-membrane fusion) to fusion-active (membrane fusion) conformation. The native structure of HA is in a metastable state, and the membrane fusion conformation is obtained after destabilization